Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Opening and Review of Joss Kendrick Girl of the Year 2020 from American Girl

Today I will be opening and reviewing the new 2020 Girl of the Year Doll Joss Kendrick from American Girl. I did post an opening and review on my YouTube channel if you'd like to take a closer look at her outfit and the doll itself. Here's the link to the video:

 I just wanted to say a huge thank you to American Girl for sending me this product for free to review, I really appreciate it! 
Be sure to comment down below your thoughts and opinions on Joss Kendrick and if you're planning on adding her to your doll collection.

The doll itself comes in an American Girl box with a box pattern exclusive to her collection. The pastel striped pattern on the box is lovely as the sunset colors suits her surfing storyline ☀️

Here's the doll out of the box standing next to her dog Murph. She has long brown hair with lighter highlights, brown eyes, feathered eyebrows and a new face mould. It seems as though the face mould between a Marie-Grace and a Josefina mould which different from any other face shape we have seen before. What do you think of her face mould? Be sure to comment down below your thoughts!

Her meet outfit is quite casual compared to some of the other ones we have seen over the years but it suits her storyline and personality. She comes with a teal and white hoodie with a wave print design on both sleeves. There's a zipper in the middle which opens and closes and a Joss logo near her left shoulder. She is also wearing a pink bodysuit and denim shorts. The denim shorts do have some stitching designs near the pockets and the buttons are just for design purposes as you use velcro to open and close it. Her sandals are a bright pink color to match her bodysuit. They remind me of the shoes that Lea had in her collection a few years ago but instead they were a lime green color ðŸ’š

Joss's character was born deaf in her left ear and uses a hearing aid on her right ear. This is why she comes with hearing aid set in her collection which you can add to her right ear. It does fit easily in her ear and is also removable too.

Here's a clearer picture of the hearing aid on Joss. If you'd like to see how to attach and remove the hearing aid, be sure to visit Joss's opening and review video on my YouTube channel.

As you can see, her meet hairstyle is quite simple this year, though does suit her personality of always being on the go and practicing sports, whether its skateboarding, surfing or cheerleading. There are two small pieces that are twisted together and connected with a hair elastic. This meet hairstyle also allows everyone to see Joss's hearing aid too.

It might be hard to see in the photos but her hair is brown with some lighter highlight. There are layers in her hair, but the hair length itself is a great length to try out different hairstyles in her hair. Her hair is very thin though and there is not a lot of it so it will be interesting to see how her hair holds up over the year.

The side angle shows the length of her hair along with how thin it is too.

Overall she is a lovely doll and will be a great Girl of the Year doll for 2020. I love how her storyline is all about sports especially since the Olympics are on this year. Surfing is debuting in the Olympics this year so it's a great tie in. She is also a wonderful first time doll if you don't have any dolls in your collection and if you are planning on buying your first doll, I would recommend her. I know how hard American Girl works on developing the GOTY collections so it's a lot fun to see her entire collection in person and how it all comes together. What do you think of Joss Kendrick and her meet outfit? Be sure to comment down below and if you haven't had a chance to see the opening and review on my YouTube channel, be sure to go and visit it:

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