Saturday, January 16, 2021

Opening and Review of the Sparkle and Shine Accessories Set from the Truly Me Line

Hey Everyone!

Today I will be opening and reviewing the new accessory starter set from the Truly Me line from American Girl. I did post an opening and review on my YouTube channel if you'd like to take a closer look at her outfit and the doll itself. Here's the link to the video:

I just wanted to say a huge thank you to American Girl for sending me this product for free to review, I really appreciate it! Be sure to comment down below your thoughts and opinions on the set.

The set is called the Sparkle and Shine Accessories set from the Truly Me line. This item is a great starter pack option as it has some clothing items and accessories too.

The first item is the set is the skirt. It is the teal color with silver stars on the bottom with a glittery silver elastic waist on the top.

The next item in the set is the tights. They're silver to match the skirt and there's elastic on the waist.

There are a few outfit accessories too apart of the set. The first item is the headband. The teal headband is made out of a plastic material but it does have a lovely star design on the side. Next to the headband, there's a purple belt with a loop on the side so it stays in place.

Here we have some money in a plastic sleeve. The main feature of the set is the purse. It's a lovely midnight blue color with a silver strap. The opening is held down by a velcro strap so none of the accessories fall out of the bag.

A great interactive feature item apart of the set is the phone. The phone can be separated into two seperate parts to add in the interchangeable screen. There's also a phone case, with a handle on the back.

There are two interchangeable screens and they are double sided so there are a total of four different options to choose from. The first two here are of: the home screen and the American Girl games website.

On the other side, the screens show a phone call to 'sis' and the weather app.

Overall this set is a great starter pack as it provides a variety of clothing pieces and accessories too.
If you would like to see the full opening and review, click on the link down below:


Friday, January 8, 2021

Opening and reviewing Kira Bailey's Accessories!

Hey everyone!

Today I will be opening and reviewing Kira's accessories, which were recently released apart of the GOTY 2021 Kira Bailey's collection! If you would like to see a full opening and review of Kira's collection, click on the link down below: 

Kira's Accessories

Kira's accessories retails for $30 and comes with a variety of different accessories.


The first item apart of the set is a hat. The item is very lightweight and has a purple ribbon band around the hat itself.

Postcards and Photos

Up next there are two postcards and two photos. The photos feature koalas and kangaroos, while the postcards feature graphics and images of Australia. On the back of the postcards there are notes written for her friend.

Koala Keychain

My favorite item apart of this set would have to be the koala keychain. The keychain can be attached to the backpack and is perfectly miniature sized.


The main feature item apart of the set is the backpack. The item is mainly purple but there are some details on the front pocket. There are multiple zipper pockets on the side and top and there is one front pocket with velcro.


Here we have an overview of Kira's accessories. This set is a great add on to Kira's collection and perfect for her storyline.

If you would like to see the rest of Kira's collection, click on the link: